Join a student organization, it’s fun and rewarding.
Become a member of a student organization, where you can make friends, enhance your educational experience, take on a leadership role, or just develop a sense of community.
The American Indian Program has three student organizations:
American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
The NMSU AISES Chapter meets to provide support for American Indians and Alaskan Natives pursuing studies in science, engineering, business, and other academic disciplines. AISES also sponsors students to attend the annual national conference held each November. Corporations are present at the conference to recruit members for summer internships, Co-Ops, and full-time employment.

NMSU Crimson Connection: American Indian Science and Engineering Society
Visit them on Facebook: NMSU A.I.S.E.S. Chapter
Native American Business Students Association (NABSA)
NABSA promotes and broadens the interest and knowledge of business and government among Native American students. NABSA also provides business students with an outlet, facilitating the exchange of ideas, encouragement, and moral support.
NMSU Crimson Connection: Native American Busines Student Association
Visit them on Facebook: NABSA NMSU
United Native American Organization (UNAO)
UNAO functions to promote cultural unity among Native Americans at NMSU. One of the activities sponsored during the spring semester is American Indian Week. UNAO also promotes the recognition, public awareness, preservation, and sharing of Native American cultures.

NMSU Crimson Connection: United Native American Organization